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Chicago Black Republican Vanguard 2024 THANKSGIVING SPECIAL MESSAGE from Dr. Jimmy Lee Tillman, II

Happy Thanksgiving, members, supporters, and friends! 


I want to wish you and all of your family a wonderful Thanksgiving. Since election day, we have received numerous calls, texts, and emails about President-elect Trump, his cabinet choices, and what's in it for the Black people. Because the Martin Luther King Republicans (MLKR) are a respected conservative group that supports America First policies, our Black Republican Vanguard Newsletter has become a 'go-to' resource for trusted information about the Trump 2024 campaign, and the Tillmans of Chicago have a reputation for advocating for the best interest of Black Americans, many of you have charged us to deliver an agenda to Mar-a-Lago. We are doing our best to respond to each of your messages and are currently requesting time with Susie Wiles to get on President-elect Trump's calendar after the holiday.


Based on Donald Trump's record as president, when it comes to Black Americans, we believe he will again deliver. Remember that Black unemployment hit record lows under President Trump. Black poverty reached a record low of 18.8% in 2019—the lowest on record at the time. More than one million more Black Americans were working in February 2020 than when President Trump first took office. Black median household income increased by 8.2% between 2018 and 2019. President Trump restored funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities—a permanent commitment of $250+ million annually. President Trump's Opportunity Zones provided a $50 billion boost to revitalize low-income and minority communities. President Trump also signed the landmark First Step Act to reduce recidivism and excessive sentencing.


Modern-day Lincoln 

As President Trump is often fashioned as a modern-day Abraham Lincoln, then I will be his Frederick Douglas. I will speak honestly to him about the plight of Black America and work with him to help all Americans 'secure the blessings of liberty." Measuring effectiveness, historians cite Trump as one of Black America's greatest presidents, alongside Lincoln, Grant, Eisenhower, Johnson, and Nixon. I posit that following this next term, he will emerge as THE greatest and most effective president for Black Americans.


We believe that an office within the White House is necessary to provide accurate information and communication to Black America, given that many were unaware of his past accomplishments. We are proud of Trump's very fine choice of Scott Turner for HUD and have provided some information about him in this edition. We are also in contact with Trump's transition team about other qualified Black American candidates to assist the incoming Trump Administration. 


MAGA has no color. 

A record number of Black Americans participated in the movement to make America great again. The media is trying diligently to downplay the impact of Black American voters. The response to our message, "Vote for Trump or stay home," was effective and undeniable. In the swing states, Black-majority precincts in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, and Milwaukee increased the amount of Trump votes while Harris estimated voter turnout came up short. The Dems are saving face because their coalition is in shambles and their 'Trump's a racist' narrative has failed. MAGA has no color. There were more than just Black Republicans who voted for Trump. Those who voted for Trump included Christians, Independents, veterans, civil servants, and a diverse range of Americans who cherished God, their families, and our nation.


MLKR's Grassroots Anaconda Strategy effectively bankrupted the Harris campaign, which was attempting to salvage its base while simultaneously squeezing Trump votes from previously overlooked areas. These low-propensity voters do not follow mainstream media and have formed their own opinions about Trump. We were successful because so many of you were brave enough to carry this MAGA message to 'dem places.' We are so thankful for your courage. 

More thanks.

The first step in Dr. King's nonviolence practice is Information Gathering. MLKR's various strategies would not have been possible without the support and guidance of other conservative and grassroots organizations and news outlets. There are too many to mention here, but a special thanks to America First Works, America First Policy Institute, Heritage Foundation, and Heritage Action for America Sentinels. In Detroit, we are especially grateful to former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and Michigan's America First Works regional ground team. All these groups provided factual information, logistics, and goodwill. 


We are thankful for the people of faith who have supported us with prayers and financial support. We extend our gratitude to Dr. Rob and Debbie in Wisconsin, Greg and Pricilla for inviting us on group prayer lines, Darva Watkins and her Women in Prayer group, along with New Canaan Land Baptist Church in Chicago and Leadership Baptist Church in Milwaukee for their support. Bishop Wooten's family and ministry are facing retaliation because his theological views conflict with those of the Democrat party. Please continue to pray for and support him.


We express our gratitude to the numerous contributors, content creators, and our editor, my sister Ebony Tillman, for curating alternative news, music, videos, polls, stats, and data, which we read, watched, downloaded, copied, and disseminated among friends, families, neighbors, and various groups. NOTE to James Carville and Dem strategists: We call this the Ready Re-wraparound, and its organic nature makes it impossible to replicate.


This was, by all definitions, a grassroots campaign. In nature, a grass seed undergoes germination when certain cells within the germ tissue divide and grow, causing the apical meristem to emerge from the seed. A tube-like organ called the coleoptile protects the first leaf blade while pushing through the soil and eventually breaking through the crust. Then the first leaf unfurls. It may shock some, but the real grassroots work happens underground. By the time anyone notices the changes above ground, it's already too late. The conditions and message were right. Many Americans came together, broke through, and sprung up, revealing a vast, complex MAGA network. We are thankful for our grassroots training and the strategies inspired by Joshua, General Grant, and Dr. King.


Not only are we celebrating the mandate given to our newly reelected president, Donald J. Trump, but we are also putting the finishing touches on my new book, Tillman's Handbook of Great Black Women Patriots, which will be released very soon by Tillman Family Press. We are very grateful for both. 


Lastly, I am thankful for the wisdom and courage to stand up against the Democrat Machine, which has held Black American voters hostage for more than a generation. And thank YOU for your time opening and reading this email. 


Your warrior and champion,

Jimmy Lee Tillman, II Ph.D.


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