MLK Republicans greet Trump on tarmac in Mosinee

MOSINEE, Wis.The chilly fall weather did not keep the Martin Luther King Republicans from joining 4000 supporters and volunteers at a stop on the 2020 Great American Comeback gathering with President Donald J. Trump. Representing Black Voices for Trump at this exciting event, held on September 17, 2020 at the Central Wisconsin Airport in Mosinee, Wisconsin, founder Jimmy Lee Tillman,II and communication director Ebony Tillman cheered as Air Force One taxied to the staging area.
Emerson Lehmann reported for WSAW TV "President Trump’s visit to Mosinee on Thursday was the fifth time an active President visited central Wisconsin, the second trip for President Trump to the region.
Supporters of the President from all over the state and nation flocked to Mosinee’s Central Wisconsin Airport for the ‘Make America Great Again’ rally, which included speeches from former 7th Congressional Congressman Sean Duffy as well as Rep. Tom Tiffany who currently holds the seat.
President Trump then took to the stage shortly after 8:00 and spoke for just over an hour and a half."
"The President addressed several different topics during his speech including gun control, jobs, foreign trade and the COVID-19 pandemic; the President saying a vaccine will be delivered before the end of the year, if not sooner."
The Martin Luther King Republicans in partnership with Heritage Action for America

are attempting to recruit 100 poll watchers in Chicago to assist in monitoring and securing Trump's vote.
"This president has our full support. Trump has listen to the concerns of our organizations and appeals for assistance in Chicago.", remark Tillman "Operation Legend has delivered on the President's promise to bring peace to the streets."