MLKR support Dr. Ben Carson for the position of Secretary of State

The Martin Luther King Republicans (MLKR) continue to support former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Dr. Ben Carson, for Secretary of State for Donald Trump's next administration. The MLKR believes Dr. Carson's strong sense of patriotism, dedication to American founding principles, and impressive record of leadership make him the best candidate for this important position.
"Dr. Carson is an undeniable American patriot who values faith, hard work, and noncompromising commitment to our nation," stated Dr. Jimmy Lee Tillman, II, founder and president of the MLKR. "You can examine his life as documented in his acclaimed autobiography, which reflects the very nature of the American spirit. His experience as Secretary of HUD, his deep understanding of international affairs, and his steadfast belief in the principles that founded our country make him an exceptional choice for Secretary of State.
Dr. Tillman, a renowned historian, even included Dr. Carson's story in Tillman's Handbook of Great Black American Patriots, his latest book detailing the history of Black American patriotism. "Dr. Carson's life exemplifies the American Dream," Dr. Tillman added, "and his leadership would be an invaluable asset to the United States on the world stage."
The MLKR is urging its members, supporters, and friends to send letters of support to their elected officials and to promote Dr. Carson on their "social media platforms."
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