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MLKRepublicans engage Operation MAGA in Chicago

On Friday, October 16, the Martin Luther King Republicans submitted a stack of applications for Republican Judges to serve on Election Day, November 3, 2020, in Chicago Wards that do not have a Republican ward committeeman. To complement the online training from the Board of Election, MLKR will provide an intense overview of the Judge of Election Handbook to those recruited so they will be confident and fully prepared on Election Day.

This effort was in partnership with Heritage Action for America and will deploy several dozen judges in five predominately Black wards where Operation MAGA has been quietly underway. Members have been registering voters, hosting small meetups, and engaging in social media platforms.

President Donald Trump's appeal to Black voters in Chicago is partly due to his tough stance on illegal immigration and his willingness to offer the voter something tangible for their vote. Alana Jefferson, 19, will be a first-time voter who is secretly voting for Trump. "Many of my friends are down on Trump because it is popular, so I don't say nothing. Only my uncle knows, and we both will vote for Trump, but not saying nothing."

Omari Tempest, 56, a homeowner and former Democratic voter, remembers Joe Biden's strong push for the Crime Bill and refuses to support him. After attending an Operation MAGA meetup and reading information about the President's Platinum Plan, he decided to vote for Trump. "The media is not telling the real story about Biden. I was there, I remember. If they weren't so bias against him, more people would know what he is trying to offer, not only the Black community but America.


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