A Presidential Encounter: How Jimmy Carter and Andy Young Shaped My Interest in Foreign Policy
Presidential candidate Jimmy Carter waves as he arrives Tabernacle Baptist Church, 4130 S. Indiana Ave., to campaign in Rep. Ralph...

Why Birthright Citizenship Distorts the Spirit of 14A
By Dr. Jimmy Lee Tillman, II Sylvia N. Thompson, her daughter Addie Jean Haynes, and grandson Bryan Haynes proudly display the 14th...

Chicago Black Republican Vanguard 2024 THANKSGIVING SPECIAL MESSAGE from Dr. Jimmy Lee Tillman, II
Happy Thanksgiving, members, supporters, and friends!  I want to wish you and all of your family a wonderful Thanksgiving. Since...

Chicago Black Republican Vanguard Newsletter DNC Special Edition Part 2
Greetings, members, supporters, and friends! This part 2 of our DNC Special Edition has more articles, data, videos, and tools to...

City Girls ask is Kamala a colleague or a colonizer?
This following is a letter from founder and president Dr. Jimmy Lee Tillman, II that was published in our latest edition of the Chicago...

MLKR support Dr. Ben Carson for the position of Secretary of State
The Martin Luther King Republicans (MLKR) continue to support former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Dr. Ben Carson, for...

Parallels in Resolve: The Attempted Assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Donald Trump
Op-ed by Dr. Jimmy Lee Tillman, II History often provides striking parallels that highlight the resilience and bravery of those who have...

Min. Latasha Fields delivers keynote at MLKR Mother's Day Tea
Minister LaTasha Fields gave a stirring keynote address at the Mother's Day Tea, co-hosted by Fabulous Frances LLC and the Martin Luther...

Cancel Biden’s Student Loan Bailout with Public Comment
Martin Luther King Republicans is happy to partner with the Heritage Foundation PUBLIC COMMENT campaign. Please read the information...

Hampton University Shows the Role HBCUs Play in Strengthening the Black Family Is Crucial
The Martin Luther King Republicans are happy to re-publish this article by Delano Squire. If you are an HBCU alumni, please support your...